مشروع البحث: Investigating the Libyan EFL Teachers’ Implementation of the Teacher's Guide at the Preparatory Schools in Alajilat
رقم التعريف
نسيم ابرهيم موسي
Using the Teacher Guide for Following a Teaching Procedure
The results indicated that some teachers depend on the teacher’s guide to follow the teaching
procedures. For example, Warda and Hana found the teacher guide useful in teaching, and
they use it in presenting their lessons. The participants stated that they use the teacher’s guide
to follow a teaching procedure as the steps and methods used by teachers to achieve the
objectives. The teacher’s guide provides teachers with a ready to use teaching procedure for
each lesson. It begins with a warming up activity and ends with the assessment or evaluation.
Therefore, the usage of the teaching procedure is important for any teacher regardless of
his/her experience or knowledge because it provides teachers
الكلمات الدالة
Investigating the Libyan EFL Teachers’ Implementation of the Teacher's Guide at the Preparatory Schools in Alajilat