مشروع البحث:
أرشيف مصلحة التسجيل العقاري ببلدية الخمس "دراسة الواقع وسبل التطوير"

رقم التعريف
أحمد فرج أحمد مصابحة
وحدات تنظيمية
Abstract This study aims to assess the current state of the archive of the Real Estate Registration Office in the Municipality of Khoms, Libya. It also aims to evaluate the capabilities of the human element and the readiness and receptivity of the administration to implement an electronic archiving system. To achieve these goals, this study relied on previous efforts in studying the archive in terms of its origin and development, as well as the technical processes of preserving the archive and the risks it faces. The study also clarified the concept of electronic archiving, its advantages, and the challenges it faces. It also discussed the methods of transition to electronic archiving, its requirements and stages, as well as modern technological developments and ways to benefit from them in preserving and managing the archive. In the field aspect, this study employed a case study approach and utilized a questionnaire as a data collection tool to achieve the study's objectives. The questionnaire was distributed to the study population of (73) employees, representing all employees of the Real Estate Registration Department in the municipality of Al-Khoms. A total of (68) questionnaires were retrieved. Of these, (1) questionnaire was deemed invalid, resulting in a valid sample size of (67) questionnaires for analysis, with a response rate of (98.5%). Data analysis was conducted using statistical methods, including arithmetic means, standard deviation, and percentages, employing the statistical software package (Spss), to achieve the study objectives and address its research questions.
الكلمات الدالة
بتدريب العنصر البشري وتطوير قدراتهم في مجال الأرشفة الإلكترونية، واستكمال البنية التحتية التكنولوجية، اضافة لتعزيز قابلية الإدارة على تطبيق نظام الأرشفة الإلكترونية من خلال اصدار لوائح داخلية لتنظيم العمل في بيئة الكترونية، واعادة هيكلة المصلحة بشكل يتناسب مع متطلبات نظام الأرشفة الإلكترونية.