مشروع البحث: اضطرابات الشخصية (السيكوباتية) وعلاقتها بالتوافق النفسي وتقدير الذات لدى المراهقين داخل مؤسسة الإصلاح والتأهيل ببلدية طرابلس
رقم التعريف
سعاد مصباح عبد الصمد جويعان
The study aimed to uncover the significant relationship between personality disorders (psychopathy) and psychological adjustment and self-esteem among adolescents in a reform and rehabilitation institution. This research is crucial as it sheds light on some variables identified by the researcher, providing valuable insights into the psychological well-being of these adolescents. It also sought to determine the statistical differences in the study variables based on the gender variable (males) among adolescents in Tripoli's reform and rehabilitation institutions.
The researcher used the analytical descriptive approach, as it was suitable for the nature of this study. The study sample consisted of (35) inmates from Ain Zara and (65) inmates from Tajoura, who were randomly selected from the total population of (219) inmates. The researcher used three tools of her design in conducting the study:
A scale for measuring personality disorders (psychopathy).
A scale for measuring psychological adjustment.
A scale for measuring self-esteem.
The study reached the following results:
1. The level of personality disorders (psychopathy) is moderate among adolescents in the reform and rehabilitation institution in the city of Tripoli, with a mean value of 2.21.
2. The level of psychological adjustment is moderate among adolescents in Tripoli's reform and rehabilitation institutions, with a mean value of 2.33.
3. The level of self-esteem is moderate among adolescents in the reform and rehabilitation institutions in the city of Tripoli, with a mean value of 2.20.
4. There is a positive correlation between psychopathic personality disorders and both psychological adjustment and self-esteem among adolescents in the reform and rehabilitation institutions in the city of Tripoli.
- The correlation coefficient value is 0.513 between personality disorders (psychopathy) and (psychological adjustment), indicating a positive relationship.
- The correlation coefficient value is 0.538 between personality disorders (psychopathy) and (self-esteem), also indicating a positive relationship.
The most important recommendations made by the study are:
1. Reinforcing the positive aspects of the inmates' personality traits and utilising them for their benefit to eliminate undesirableantisocialbehaviours.
الكلمات الدالة
مستوى تقدير الذات متوسط لدى غالبية المراهقين في مؤسسة الإصلاح والتأهيل ببلدية طرابلس