مشروع البحث: “Performance Evaluation Using TCM Coding over Different Communication Channels”
رقم التعريف
سناء عبدالجليل
The generated simulation results illustrate the bit error rate (BER) performance in various
communication channels and with varying numbers of antennas on both the sending and
receiving sides. Obtaining a sufficient BER more energy (Eb/No) with uncoded M-ary PSK
and M-ary QAM (M=4, 8, and 16) required than with TCM-coded M-ary PSK and M-ary
QAM (M=4, 8, and 16) in all circumstances. Moreover, the BER performance is more
significant when the signal is sent via the AWGN channel than the Rician and Rayleigh
channels. The achieved simulation results are validated further by analysing the constellation
diagrams of M-ary PSK and M-ary QAM, with and without TCM, over the three
communication channels, both before and after the communication channel.
الكلمات الدالة
“Performance Evaluation Using TCM Coding over Different Communication Channels”