Dr.Fatma Abusreweel2024-11-262024-11-26https://dspace.academy.edu.ly/handle/123456789/339English is a major language that works as a means of communication among people all over the world and learning it requires mastering its main four skills; reading, writing, listening and speaking. The mastery of speaking in learning English is a priority for many learners, as claimed by Ur (2012, p.117) that “many if not most foreign language learners are primarily interested in learning to communicate orally". The speaking performance is considered as a measurement tool for evaluating students' success in language learning as well as the effectiveness of their language course on the basis of how well they feel when they have improved their spoken language proficiency (Richards, 2005).This chapter constitutes the introduction of the thesis which presents a background of the study. It also tackles the research problem with its objectives and questions. The purpose and significance of the study with some definitions and abbreviations for some terms are also highlighted. It finally finishes with the delimitations and thesis organization.Investigating the Libyan EFL Teachers' Attitudes towards Group Work Activities Proposed by the Textbook at some Secondary Schools in TarhunaInvestigating the Libyan EFL Teachers' Attitudes towards Group Work Activities Proposed by the Textbook at some S