د.سلامة امبارك صالح2024-11-272024-11-27https://dspace.academy.edu.ly/handle/123456789/409This thesis explores primary school teachers‘ conceptions of Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) and the factors contributing to teacher underperformance in CLT in the Libyan educational system. This phenomenograpic study utilizes semi-structured interviews to gain insights from 15 primary school teachers in Tripoli. The findings indicate that teacher underperformance in CLT is influenced by three main factors: misconceptions, negative experiences, and difficulties in implementing CLT. The identified conceptions encompass a wideThis thesis explores primary school teachers‘ conceptions of Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) and the factors contributing to teacher underperformance in CLT in the Libyan educational system. This phenomenograpic study utilizes semi-structured interviews to gain insights from 15 primary school teachers in Tripoli. The findings indicate that teacher underperformance in CLT is influenced by three main factors: misconceptions, negative experiences, and difficulties in implementing CLT. The identified conceptions encompass a wideCommunicative LanguageCommunicative Language Teaching in Libya: Tripoli Primary Schools Teachers' Conceptions