أ.د.محمد فرج ابوطقة2024-11-262024-11-26https://dspace.academy.edu.ly/handle/123456789/375sense a lighter learning atmosphere because of a stronger sense of unity and cohesion among classmates (Wang and Finn, 2000). According to Hayes (1997) teaching in large classes is often associated with discomfort, lack of control, absence of individual attention, insincere evaluation and inefficient learners. Hayes (1997) , “given that class size is most unlikely to be reduced in the foreseeable future, teachers need to come to terms with their problems”. Nevertheless, the problems perceived by the English teachers concerning large classes are different from those perceived by the sThere is a widespread recognition that a large size of classes is a major barrier for the efficient English teaching and learning. Undeniably, they require a great intention and careful preparation from teachers before the teaching process takes place. Heppner (2007) perceives large classes as a small business which should be set up and handled with primary care. Generally speaking, experienced English teachers in general and teachers beginning teaching in particular find it difficult to manage a class with a big number of students with various levels and different personalities.THE IMPACT OF CLASS SIZE ON STUDENTS' ENGLISH READING COMPREHENSI ACHIEVEMENT IN SEBHA SECONDARYTHE IMPACT OF CLASS SIZE ON STUDENTS' ENGLISH READING COMPREHENSION ACHIEVEMENT IN SEBHA SECONDARY