مشروع البحث: Sand Production Management using Mechanical Earth Model for Libyan Oil Field (Amal Field-Case Study)
رقم التعريف
الصديق جمال ابو غراب
This study, demonstrated a scientific approach to prepare a geomechanical model for Amal
reservoir in an oil well in the Sirte basin of Libya. Amal reservoir is one of the most
important oil reservoirs in the North Africa that its geomechanical characters are not
perfectly known. Moreover; many expected problems such as sand production and
production drop occurred in this reservoir that made it necessary to conduct a
comprehensive geomechanical model. Also, using poro-elastic formulations, in-situ stress
regime was found to be normal to strike-slip (i.e. Sv ≥ SH >Sh). Based on my analysis, the
parameter influences most the tendency for sanding is reservoir pressure followed by
flowing bottom hole pressure and unconfined compressive rock strength.
الكلمات الدالة
Sand Production Management using Mechanical Earth Model for Libyan Oil Field (Amal Field-Case Study)